Vasalamin normalization of the vascular system

Vasalamin normalization of the vascular system

Smirnova Anna
April 6, 2021

Vasalamin For the normalization of the vascular system, cerebral circulation

CYTAMINES contain regulatory peptides that are completely identical to those of the human body.

PEPTIDES are substances that regulate intracellular processes and ensure the normal functioning of organs of all living organisms.

If a person lacks peptides, tissue wear is accelerated, aging processes and various diseases are accelerated.

Vasalamin is a bioregulator of all vessels of the body, and the supplement is made on the basis of an extract from the vascular biomaterial of cattle.

Consists of Vasalamin from natural non-hormonal ingredients, polypeptides and nucleic acids
Vasalamin is compatible with any medicines and medicinal substances.
Vasalamin has a targeted effect on damaged cells of the vascular system.
Cytamine has no side effects.

Cytamine normalizes the function of vascular tissue, increases the elasticity of the vascular wall, and reduces its permeability.

Vasalamin contributes to:

restoration of venous blood flow, reversible changes
Helps with atherosclerosis and vascular dystonia
Promotes the restoration of microcirculation in the structures of the brain.
Reduces cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Helps patients with cerebrovascular disorders, and also helps to improve the overall well-being of a person.

Smirnova Anna
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