Alfavit for men 60 tablets

Alfavit for men 60 tablets

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Alfavit for men Vitamin-mineral complex of vitamins for maintaining male health
Pharmacological group:Dietary supplements
Pills in 1 package:60
Expiration Date:Always fresh
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Instructions for Alfavit for men


Tablet No. 1 (morning, pink): filler microcrystalline cellulose; dry rhizome extract Eleutherococcus; L-Taurine; ascorbic acid, baking powder: croscaramellose sodium; dry green tea leaf extract; electrolytic iron; binder: polyvinylpyrrolidone; anti-caking agents: amorphous silicon dioxide, talc; film former: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; anti-caking agents: magnesium stearate, stearic acid; filler: maltodextrin; retinol acetate; dye: E171; copper citrate; water-retaining agent: propylene glycol; thiamine hydrochloride; dye E124 (sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, E124 varnish); folic acid.

Tablet number 2 (daytime, blue):

microcrystalline cellulose filler; magnesium oxide; zinc citrate; tocopherol acetate (maltodextrin, modified starch, DL-alpha tocopherol acetate, silicon dioxide); lutein (lutein, DL-alpha tocopherol, modified starch, dextrose syrup, sodium crystalline ascorbate, corn starch); nicotinamide; betacarotene (modified starch, corn starch β-carotene crystalline, dextrose syrup, sodium ascorbate, DL-alpha tocopherol); baking powder: croscaramellose sodium; lycopene (modified starch, corn starch, lycopene, dextrose syrup, sodium ascorbate, DL-alpha tocopherol); anti-caking agent: amorphous silicon dioxide; manganese sulfate; binder: polyvinylpyrrolidone; film former: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; anti-caking agents: talc, magnesium stearate; filler: maltodextrin; dye E171; water-retaining agent: propylene glycol; pyridoxine hydrochloride; riboflavin; dye E133 (sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, E133 varnish), potassium sodium iodate selenite.

Tablet number 3 (evening, green):
calcium phosphate; L-carnitine tartrate; filler: lactose, film former: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; anti-caking agent: talc; calcium pantothenate; anti-caking agent: amorphous silicon dioxide; filler: maltodextrin; anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate; binder: carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt; dye E171; phytomenadione; water-retaining agent: propylene glycol; baking powder: croscaramellose sodium; binder: polyvinylpyrrolidone; cholecalciferol; dye E141 (tween 80 E433, propylene glycol E1520, copper complex chlorophyll E141); chromium asparaginate; folic acid; biotin; cyanocobalamin. Contains a dye that can have a negative effect on the activity and attention of children.

Description Alfavit:

AlfaVit for men - a complex of vitamins for maintaining men's health

• Contains all vitamins and essential minerals, carotenoids, taurine, L-carnitine, as well as a source of eleutherosides (Siberian ginseng).
• Unlike other complexes, it is developed taking into account scientific recommendations on separate and joint intake of useful substances.
As a result: - the probability of allergic reactions is minimized;
Vitamin prophylaxis is more effective on average by 30-50%. Are there special vitamins and minerals for men?
In fact, these beneficial substances are necessary for everyone. As for the "female" and "male" vitamin complex, there are some differences. Oddly enough it sounds, but the male body adapts worse to environmental changes and is more vulnerable.
And if you add to this constant stress and chronic fatigue, it becomes clear that the male body simply needs additional help, a powerful charge that vitamins and minerals can give.
It is the intake of a full-fledged vitamin-mineral complex, such as alfavit For men, which will provide: good health; healthy look; more stable immunity; a charge of vivacity for every day.

Vitamins for men are a complex of those substances that most favorably affect men's health. For example, without B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, A, E, D3, the body is not able to withstand various infections. Minerals, such as magnesium and zinc, help increase concentration, attention, and mood.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, alfavit For men includes carotenoids - beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein - vitamin-like substances that are responsible for supporting vision, as well as powerful natural energies - L-carnitine and Siberian ginseng, which are responsible for vitality and a positive attitude.
The composition includes: 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, carotenoids, organic acids and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus extract).
Dosages correspond to the physiological standards for the consumption of vitamins and minerals established in the Russian Federation. The components of the complex: - contribute to the maintenance of normal functioning of the male reproductive system; -increase the general tone and endurance of the body; -stimulate mental and physical performance. Tablet number 1 (morning, pink)
- Siberian Ginseng + Vitamins B1 - 1.7 mg C - 40 mg
Folic Acid - 200 mcg A - 0.5 mg
Minerals Iron -15 mg
Copper - 1 mg
Other components of L-taurine - 60 mg Eleutherosides - 1 mg
Polyphenolic substances not less than - 20 mg Tablet No. 2 (daytime, blue) -
Carotenoids + Vitamins E - 15 mg
Nicotinamide (PP) - 16 mg B2
- 1.6 mg B6 - 2 mg Minerals Zinc - 15 mg
Manganese - 2.3 mg
Iodine - 200 μg
Selenium - 100 μg Magnesium - 60 mg
Carotenoids Beta-carotene - 3 mg Lycopene - 1 mg Lutein - 1 mg

Tablet No. 3 (evening, green)
- L -carnitine + Vitamins Biotin (H) - 50 μg B5 - 5 mg B12 - 3 μg K1 - 120 μg Folic acid - 200 μg D3 - 5 μg Minerals Chromium - 50 μg Calcium - 150 mg Other components L-carnitine - 45 mg Indications Vitamin A instructions such as
“Alphabet for men”, as the main indications for their purpose includes: -prevention of vitamin deficiency development; -the need to increase the body's defenses; -prevention of impaired functioning of the organs related to the genitourinary system; - the presence of depressive disorder, low resistance to stressful situations; -small physical endurance; -low mental performance.
Receiving additional valuable micro- and macroparticles with pills, representatives of the strong half of humanity will notice within a few weeks how their physical and mental state will improve. Useful properties Tablets from the Alphabet series, intended for men, have a beneficial effect on their body, which consists in: -supporting the tone of the protective system, strengthening tissues of an epithelial nature; -improving metabolic processes; -regulation of the production of hormones by the adrenal glands; -decrease in cholesterol deposits; - Maintaining the health of the central nervous system, hematopoiesis system; -normalization of the musculoskeletal and bone apparatus; -improving the state of muscle tissue; -improvement of the endocrine system; -increase performance; -normalization of the genitourinary system; - increase in appetite.

Thus, we can conclude that the Alphabet for Men vitamins have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, and not just on individual internal organs and their systems. In addition, it is extremely important to use them during the spouse's pregnancy planning period, because the health of future offspring depends not only on the female body.
In order to fully experience their beneficial effects, it is extremely important to know how to drink dietary supplements. Otherwise, you may encounter unpleasant side effects that occur in case of an overdose of tablets of the same shade.

Side effects Alfavit:
Vitamins "Alphabet for Men" do not cause side effects if the dosage and methods of their use are correctly observed.

In case of allergic reactions, manifested in different ways, it is worth stopping the intake of dietary supplements, consult a doctor to understand what caused their appearance - an overdose of vitamin substances or their individual intolerance.

Features of the sale:
No license

Special conditions Alfavit:
Dietary supplement (BAA) for food. It is not a medicine. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

For men, as an additional source of vitamins, macro- and microelements, a source of carotenoids, L-taurine, L-carnitine, eleutherosides.

Contraindications Alfavit:
Individual intolerance to components, hyperthyroidism, insomnia, increased nervous irritability, high blood pressure.

Dosage Alfavit:
The daily dose is 3 tablets of different colors. Taking pills with an interval in time: for example, in the morning, afternoon and evening, you will make vitamin prophylaxis more effective.

It should be borne in mind that the morning and afternoon tablets of the complex contain components with tonic properties, so it is undesirable to take them in the evening. So, ALFAVIT For men, you can take: • Once a day in the morning - all three tablets at the same time, that is, as a normal vitamin-mineral complex.

Then the benefits of ALFAVITA will be the same as the usual vitamin-mineral complex. • Twice a day: in the morning and during lunch (first two tablets, and then one, or vice versa) - the effect will be higher than when taking a single-tablet complex.

• Three times during the day, with an interval between doses of 4-6 hours. During this time, the vitamins and minerals that make up one tablet are fully absorbed and will not interact with the components of the next. This mode of admission will allow you to get the most out of your admission

ALFAVITA - it will be 30-50% more than taking a traditional vitamin-mineral complex. If you forget to take the pill - nothing bad will happen. Continue taking with a pill that is appropriate for the time of day.
Remember that the degree of lack of vitamins and minerals is an individual indicator. As a rule, to solve the problem and eliminate the lack of nutrients in the body, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 courses, with an interval of 10-15 days between them.

Pharmacological group
Pills in 1 package
Expiration Date
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