Bifidumbacterin Probiotic, infectious diseases

Bifidumbacterin Probiotic, infectious diseases

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Correction of intestinal microflora, dysbiosis, acute infectious diseases and intestinal dysfunction, chronic gastrointestinal tract diseases, allergic diseases (in complex treatment. Bacterial vaginosis and colpitis, prevention of mastitis in nursing mothers at risk
Active substance:Bifidumbacterin
Pharmacological group:Dietary supplements
Dosage mg:0.3
In stock

lactose, mkts (E460), potato starch, calcium stearate (E470). biomass of bifidobacteria.

The daily intake (6 tablets) contains at least: bifidobacteria - 6 x 10? CFU - 120% of the AUP. AUL - an adequate level of consumption per day. Energy value per 100 g: 384 kcal / 1608 kJ. Nutrition value per 100 g of product: proteins - 0.1 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 96 g. Features of sale Without a license
It contains live bifidobacteria that have antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms and thereby normalize the microflora of the intestine, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes, and prevent the formation of protracted forms of intestinal diseases in children and adults.

The use of bifidumbacterin enhances the active effect of the drugs used, neutralizes the side effect of antibiotics.

It is necessary during the rehabilitation period

Special conditions:
Biologically active food supplement. Not a cure. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

For sale to the population through the pharmacy network and specialized stores, departments of the distribution network as a biologically active food supplement - a source of probiotic microorganisms (bifidobacteria).

Bifidumbacterin 1000 Indications
Correction of intestinal microflora:

dysbiosis (including prophylaxis during treatment with antibiotics, NSAIDs, hormones, radiation and chemotherapy, stress);
acute infectious diseases and intestinal dysfunction, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, allergic diseases (in complex treatment);
bacterial vaginosis and colpitis;
prevention of mastitis in nursing mothers at risk.
In children's practice:

infectious (purulent-septic processes, pneumonia) and other diseases (complex therapy in young children;
anemia, malnutrition, rickets and allergic diathesis in debilitated children;
early transfer of babies to artificial feeding and feeding with donor milk).

Individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.

Adults take 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals, the duration of administration is 1-3 months. For children over 3 years old, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with meals, the duration of admission is 1 month.

Active substance
Pharmacological group
Dosage mg
Pills in 1 package
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