
Boric acid alcohol solution

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Boric acid antiseptic, also has an insecticidal anti-pediculosis effect, the solution inhibits the growth and development of bacteria
Active substance:Boric acid
Pharmacological group:ANTISEPTIC
Country of origin:Russia
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Boric acid alcohol solution

Instructions for Boric acid alcohol solution

Pharmacological properties:

It has antiseptic and fungistatic activity, as well as has antipediculous and astringent action. It coagulates the proteins (including enzyme-linked) of a microbial cell and disrupts the permeability of the cell envelope. 5% aqueous r-r inhibits phagocytosis processes, 2-4% r-r inhibits the growth and development of bacteria. It has a mild irritating effect on granulation tissues.

It is absorbed through damaged skin, wound surface, mucous membranes in the digestive tract (if accidentally ingested). It penetrates particularly well through the skin and mucous membranes in young children. If the child is re-injected (breast Boric acid is treated with rum before feeding), kidney dysfunctions, metabolic acidosis, and arterial hypotension may develop.

Boric acid can accumulate in organs and tissues of the body. Output slowly (Cumulates on repeat arrival).


Dermatitis, pyoderma, urinating eczema, conjunctivitis, deformities, acute and chronic otitis, colpitis, pediculosis.


In ophthalmology (eye wash) - 2% water p-r; dermatitis, soaked eczema - primočki with 3% p - rum.

Alcohol 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% are used in the form of drops and turunds dipped by r-rom, for acute or chronic otitis, as well as for the treatment of affected skin areas for pyoderma, eczema, oprelosti. Turunds, wetted by 3% alcohol-based boric acid r-rom, are introduced into the outer auditory passageway, and 3-5 drops are also injected 2-3 times daily. Affected skin areas are treated with alcohol-based r-rom in cases of pioderma, oprelostes and eczema.

10% P-Rom in glycerine lubricates the affected skin areas with oprelostes and the mucous membrane of the vagina with colpitis.

Boric acid powder is used for insulin after operations on the middle ear.

5% boric ointment is used for pediculosis: Apply 10-25 g on the scalp (depending on the degree of infection and hair density). After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the ointment and thoroughly comb.


Increased sensitivity to boric acid, impaired kidney function, period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, breast age (up to 1 year).

Side effects:

Acute or chronic intoxication may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin rashes, desquamation of the epithelium, headache, confusion, oliguria and in rare cases, shock.

Special Instructions:

Do not apply boric acid preparations on large surfaces of the body, and also use for washing cavities.


Symptoms of acute poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, circulatory disorders and CNS depression, lower body temperature, shock, coma, and an erythematous rash (death may occur within 5-7 days). Symptoms of chronic intoxication (long-term ingestion) include exhaustion, stomatitis, eczema, local swelling of the tissues, impaired menstrual cycle, anemia, seizures, alopecia. Treatment is symptomatic. Haemotransfusions, hemo- and peritoneal dialysis are shown.

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