Cycloferon (meglumine acridonacetate)

Cycloferon (meglumine acridonacetate)

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Cycloferon antiviral and immunomodulatory drug, fungal and chlamydial infections
Active substance:meglumine acridonacetate
Pharmacological group:Immune system
Country of origin:Russia
Expiration Date:Always fresh
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Instructions for Cycloferon (meglumine acridonacetate)

  • FLU

Instructions for Cycloferon Pharmacological properties:

Cycloferon (N- (1-deoxy-d-glucitol-1-yl) -N-methylammonium-10-methyl-carboxylate acridone is a salt of acridoneacetic acid and N-methylglucamine, a water-soluble synthetic analogue of the natural alkaloid Citrus grandis. 
Cycloferon is a low-molecular-weight synthesis inducer interferon, the main producers of which are macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes.Induces high titers of interferon in organs and tissues containing lymphoid elements (spleen, liver, lungs), activates bone marrow stem cells, stimulating the formation of granulocytes.
Cycloferon is effective as an immunomodulator in viral diseases, in the complex therapy of acute and chronic bacterial infections.Corrects the immune status of the body in immunodeficiency states of various origins and autoimmune diseases.It is highly effective in rheumatic and systemic diseases of the connective tissue, suppressing autoimmune reactions and providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

After parenteral administration, it quickly penetrates cells and induces the synthesis of early interferons. The maximum activity is achieved in 2-4 hours. About 99% of the administered cycloferon is eliminated by the kidneys unchanged within 24 hours. Penetrates the BBB, leading to the formation of interferons in the brain tissues. Does not cumulate with prolonged use.

Recently, in the course of limited clinical studies, the high efficiency of cycloferon has been established for the prevention and treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections during the epidemic in children and adults, in the treatment of psoriasis, shingles, endometriosis, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. Expanded indications and developed schemes for the use of cycloferon in dermatovenerological practice - in the treatment of mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis, syphilis, candidiasis and other mycoses, trichomoniasis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.

For emergency prevention of influenza during an epidemic and the treatment of its mild and uncomplicated forms, the following scheme was effective: 5 injections of cycloferon in 1; 2; four; 6; 8th days (1-2nd days - 10 mg / kg body weight, 4th day - 8 mg / kg, 6-8th days - 6 mg / kg i / m once a day); for the treatment of severe and complicated forms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 10 mg / kg for 2 days, then 6 mg / kg IM or IV in 4; 6; 8; ten; thirteen; 16; 19th and 22nd days of treatment. With postinfluenza neuroinfections - 2 ml in / in or in / m in 1; 2; four; 6; 8; eleven; 14; 17; 20th and 23rd days of treatment.

In case of secondary recurrent and latent early syphilis (the disease is more than 6 months old), a single dose of 0.25 g is used every other day, 10 injections per course of treatment. In the presence of aggravating factors (chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, tuberculosis), it is possible to repeat the course of treatment in 1.5–2 months. 

In case of trichomoniasis (the duration of the disease is more than 1 year), 2 courses of treatment with cycloferon are carried out: the first course - 5 intramuscular injections of 2 ml of solution, repeated - 10 injections according to the usual scheme.

In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, a course of injections of cycloferon (2 ml / m, 8-10 injections) is carried out with a disease duration of more than 6 months.

In acute diarrhea of bacterial etiology in children - at a dose of 6-10 mg / kg in 1; 2; four; 6; 8th day in combination with other therapies. With diarrhea of viral genesis, therapy with cycloferon in combination with probiotics is advisable. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, bacteriocarrier - at a dose of 6 mg / kg in 1; 2; four; 6; 8; ten; thirteen; 16; 19; 22nd days (10 injections) in combination with vitamin therapy, enzyme preparations and probiotics.

It should be noted that the indicated indications and treatment regimens are based on the results of limited clinical trials and are currently not yet approved by the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for widespread use.

Meglumine acridonacetate Indications:

Assign to adults in the complex treatment of: HIV infection (stages 2A – 3B); neuroinfections (serous tick-borne meningitis, multiple sclerosis , etc.); viral hepatitis A, B, C, herpes and cytomegalovirus infection; with secondary immunodeficiency of various etiologies, including in patients with acute and chronic bacterial and fungal infections, burns, radiation injuries, peptic ulcer disease; with chlamydial infection (lymphogranuloma venereum, urogenital chlamydia, chlamydial reactive arthritis); rheumatic diseases and systemic diseases of the connective tissue (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.); with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints (deforming osteoarthritis, etc.).

Cycloferon liniment 5% is used for genital herpes, urethritis and balanoposthitis (including candidiasis, gonorrheal, Trichomonas, chlamydia), nonspecific bacterial vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, candidal vaginitis.

Cycloferon Application:

Usually prescribed i / m and / or i / v 1 time per day, 250 mg of cycloferon in 1; 2; four; 6; 8; eleven; 14; 17; twenty; 23; 26; Day 29 of treatment, depending on the nature of the disease.

In acute viral hepatitis, a single dose of 0.25 g, 10 injections is prescribed. The course of treatment is 2.5-5 g. 2-3 repeated courses are carried out with an interval of 10 days.

In chronic viral hepatitis - maintenance therapy according to the scheme: 1 injection (0.25 g) 1 time in 10 days for 6 months.

In case of herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, 10 intramuscular injections of 0.25 g according to the same scheme, per course - 2.5 g. In chronic forms, 2-3 repeated courses are carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. In case of recurrent forms of herpes infection, a combination with other antiherpetic drugs is recommended.

With neuroinfections, the course of treatment usually consists of 10 intramuscular injections of 0.25 g each according to the scheme (2.5 g). Repeated courses of treatment are carried out as needed.

For chlamydial infections, 10 injections are usually given. For the course of treatment - 2.5-5 g. It is obligatory to repeat the course of treatment after 3-4 weeks in combination with antibiotics. It is most effective to prescribe antibiotics after the second injection of cycloferon. It is imperative to replace the antibiotic from the 11th day of treatment with cycloferon. In case of mixed infection, it is recommended to intravenously introduce.

In HIV infection, the recommended treatment regimen for cycloferon is 10 injections of 0.5 g each. The first 3 injections of 0.5 g intravenously, then 0.25 g intramuscularly. Repeated courses - every 3 months.

In immunodeficiency states - 10 intramuscular injections of 0.25 g, then a course of maintenance therapy - 1 injection of 0.25 g 1 time per 10 days for 4-6 months.

In case of rheumatic diseases and systemic diseases of the connective tissue, 4 courses of therapy are prescribed for 5 intramuscular injections (1.25 g) with an interval of 10-14 days.

For degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, 2 courses of therapy are prescribed, 5 intramuscular injections of 0.25 g (total for a course of 1.25 g) with a break of 10-14 days.

The tablets are taken orally 30 minutes before meals without chewing at a dose of 0.3-0.6 g 1 time per day according to the basic scheme for 1; 2; four; 6; 8; eleven; 14; 17; twenty; 23; 26; Day 29, depending on the disease.

Liniment is used for intraurethral or intravaginal instillations.

Meglumine acridonacetate Contraindications:

The period of pregnancy and lactation, decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

Cycloferon Side effects:

Not identified.

Cycloferon special instructions:

In diseases of the thyroid gland, therapy is carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist. In the chronic form of herpes infection, it is recommended to combine with other antiviral drugs and vaccines.

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