Drotaverine pills

Drotaverine pills

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Drotaverine spasmagolic, has a vasodilating effect, for pain
Active substance:drotaverine
Pharmacological group:Pain relievers
Country of origin:Russia
Expiration Date:Always fresh
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Instructions for Drotaverine pills



Active substance:

Drotaverine hydrochloride 40 mg.

Usage Guidelines:

Smooth musculature spasms for bile tract diseases: cholecystytiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericolecystitis, holangitis, papillite.
Spasms of smooth musculature of the urinary tract: nephrolithiasis, uretrolithiasis, pielitis, cystitis, bladder spasms.
As an auxiliary therapy
In the case of spasms of smooth musculature of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcerous stomach disease and duodenal intestine, gastritis, cardiac and gatekeeper spasma, enteritis, colitis, constipated spastic colitis, irritated intestine syndrome with meteorism.

Dismenorie (menstrual pain).


At oral absorption - high, half absorption period - 12 min. Bioavailability - 100%. It is distributed in the tissues evenly, penetrates into smooth-muscular cells. Time of reaching maximum concentration (Tsach) - 2 h. Relation to plasma proteins - 95-98%. Mostly is kidney-derived, to a lesser extent - with bile. Does not penetrate the hematoenzephalic barrier (GEB).


Drotaverin is a derivative of isochinolin. It exhibits a powerful spasprama action on smooth musculature due to the inhibition of the enzyme phosphodiesterase (FDE). The FTE enzyme is necessary for the hydrolysis of the CAMF to the AMF. Inflation of the FDE leads to an increase in the concentration of the CAMF, which triggers the following cascade reaction: high concentrations of cAMF activate the cAMF-dependent phosphorysis of the myozine light chain kinase (MCMT), phosphorysis of the CLCM leads to a decrease in its affinity to Ca2+-calmodlin The CAMF also influences the cytozol concentration of the Ca2+ ion by stimulating the transport of Ca2+ into the extracellular space and sarcoplasmic reticulum . This decreasing concentration of ion Ca2+ the effect of the dtrotaverin through the CAMF explains the antagonistic effect of the drotaverin in relation to Ca2+.

Drotaverine is effective in smooth musculature spasms of both neurogenic and muscle origin. Regardless of the type of vegetative innervation, the dartaverine relaxes the smooth musculature of the LCT, the bile tract, the urinary system.


Increased sensitivity to the active substance or any of the auxiliary substances of the drug Drotaverine.
Severe liver or kidney failure.
Severe heart failure (low heart emission syndrome).
Child age up to 6 years.
Breastfeeding period (no clinical data).
Hereditary intolerability of galactose, lactase deficit and malabsorption syndrome of glucose-galactose (due to the presence of monogydrate lactose in the drug Drotaverine).
With caution Drotaverine
Arterial hypotension.
Children (lack of clinical experience).
Pregnant women .

Side actions:

The nervous system. Rare:
headache, dizziness, insomnia.

On the side of the cardiovascular system.Rare: The feeling of heartbeat, reduction of blood pressure.
On the part of the gastrointestinal tract .Rare: nausea, constipation. From the immune system
Rare: allergic reactions (angionevrotic swelling, nettle, rash, itching)

Method of preparation or application Drotaverine:

Inside, drinking enough liquid.
Adults are given 40-80 mg (1-2 pills) 2-3 times a day, the maximum daily dose is 240 mg.
Children between 6 and 12 years of age are given a single dose of 40 mg 1-2 times a day, with a maximum daily dose of 80 mg.
Children over 12 years of age are given 40-80 mg (1-2 pills) 2-4 times a day, the maximum daily dose is 160 mg.

Recommended duration of treatment without doctor's consultation 1-2 days.
Holiday order :
No restrictions
Retention conditions:
Store in a dry, light-protected place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Active substance
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