Ophtalamine (for eyes) 40 pills

Ophtalamine (for eyes) 40 pills

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Ophtalamine (for eyes) contributes to the normalization and improvement of vision in various disorders, it is recommended for significant daily visual stress, eye injuries and their consequences
Country of origin:Russia
Expiration Date:Always fresh
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Instructions for Ophtalamine (for eyes) 40 pills

Natural Peptides

Indications Natural Peptides:

  • Eye injuries and their consequences
  • Corneal diseases, keratitis, keratoconus, corneal dystrophy
  • Retina changes
  • Pre- and post-operative periods in ophthalmological operations
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • At higher visual loads (computer work)
  • Older persons to maintain the function of the sight
  • Take care like the apple of your eye" - it is hard to overestimate the importance of good vision in our lives.
  • Our eyes are a complex and sensitive organ. 
  • The most important components of the eye that enable us to see are: cornea, iris, lens, retina, yellow spot and optic
  • nerve.
  • Various eye injuries and diseases can result in partial or total loss of vision.
  • Eye damage can have many causes:

Mechanical damage Ophtalamine caused by dust or solid bodies, such as sawdust and sawdust, fragments and grains in the eye. Dust irritates the eye and can cause inflammation. Solids can penetrate through the cornea and injure it.

Optical injuries are caused by radiation. Exposure to intense or long-term radiation or rapidly changing light intensity can damage the eyes. Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctivitis are possible.

Chemical Damage Ophtalamine Can be caused by different types of chemicals such as alkalis or acids. A drop of acid can cause ulcers on the cornea and leave permanent scars. And a few drops of alkalis can damage the entire cornea forever.

Thermal Injuries Ophtalamine caused by too low or high ambient temperatures. Heat causes irritation of the cornea due to drying of its surface. Prolonged exposure to cold can lead to symptoms of frostbite.

Damage, like eye disease, leads to a variety of complications.
One of the most dangerous is retinal dystrophy.
Risks of retinal dystrophy:

Age Ophtalamine increased risk of dystrophy occurs between 50 and 80 years. However, in recent years, the disease has become significantly "younger", as more and more people of working age have become visible;

Women are more susceptible to distrophic changes in the retina;
Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, hypertonic disease, atherosclerosis;
Ultraviolet overabundance Ophtalamine prolonged exposure by the sun to unprotected eyes is as dangerous as prolonged exposure to laser;
Diabetes mellitus;
Unbalanced diet with lack of vitamins and nutrients;
Previous injuries and eye surgery.

It is important to prevent the development of distrophic changes in the retina as long as possible. A discovery made in 1999 by Günter Blobel showed that proteins (proteins), which control the processes of intercellular interaction and determine the ability to self-repair cells, are important for any cell in our body. Lack of peptides (with age or pathology) accelerates tissue wear, aging processes and leads to disease.

How the drug works Natural Peptides:

Components Ophtalamine derived from the tissues of cattle eyes are a complex of proteins and nucleoproteids that have a selective effect on the cellular structures of various divisions of the eye, which helps to accelerate the restoration of the damaged functions of the visual organ

Vacuol Complex of Natural Peptides and Nucleic Acids of Natural Peptides Pills
Target Body Cell
Target Body Cell

Thanks to the mechanism of transcitosis, the incoming protein, in its unchanged form, ends up in the target cell. In this case, the target is cells of different parts of the body of vision. Once in them, it saturates the cells with an optimum protein "diet," allowing them to recover faster and normalize their function.

Clinical trials were conducted in 198 patients with ophthalmological pathology, which included distrophic diseases of the retina and post-traumatic dystrophy of the cornea.

As a result of the conducted researches it was established that during course use Ophtalamine in patients with distrophic retinal changes acuity and expansion of fields of vision were revealed.
Application Ophtalamine in case of post-traumatic cornea disorders has contributed to the accelerated restoration of the integrity of the epithelial layer of the cornea and to the improvement of visual acuity.

Method of drug use Natural Peptides:

Natural Peptides It is recommended to take 1-3 pills, 10-15 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day, for 30-45 days. Repeat course after 3-6 months. Ophtalamine has no contraindications and can be used both independently and in complex therapy.


A complex of polypeptides and nucleic k-ot, derived from the eye apple of cattle and pigs - 10 mg;
sugar, potatoes starch, calcium sterat, methylcellulose, intestinal soluble coating

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