Health and Beauty
Before starting treatment for male infertility, it is important to make sure that his wife has no problem conceiving. If such problems exist, the treatment of the spouse should be carried out in parallel and in accordance with the husband's examination and treatment plan. It is also necessary to exclude the factors that prevent pregnancy: the use of medicines, unfavorable working conditions, insufficient sexual activity.
You have a lot of stress, so you can't fall asleep. Try walking 8 thousand steps every day. Maybe then there will be less stress and you will fall asleep.
Male infertility is at least as common as female infertility, so when examining an infertile couple, it is important to pay attention to the diagnosis and treatment of both partners.
Most people sleep at night and stay awake during the day. However, shift work interferes with the natural rhythm of the day, which can be detrimental to health. This article offers tips on improving sleep for those working on shift schedules.
The dream of a snow-white smile remains valid for many people. Unfortunately, daily brushing often does not provide the desired result, and many are looking for additional methods of whitening. In addition, enamel can change its hue with age due to various factors such as smoking, harmful use of alcohol and dye products, as well as dental disease and stomach problems. In this article we will examine in detail how you can whiten your teeth and achieve a Hollywood smile.
Halogenosis (bad breath) caused by the activity of pathogens.
Some forms of glossitis affect taste and can cause burning or tenderness when people eat or talk. These manifestations can significantly impair quality of life.
Proper oral care begins with regular brushing. It is important to remember 10 key rules that will help to preserve the health of teeth and gums. These simple recommendations will prevent plaque and provide long-term protection.
A tooth abscess, also known as a dental or dentioalveolar abscess, is a serious infectious disorder that occurs as a complication of dental caries. Then pus accumulates in the tissues surrounding the tooth, resulting in a cavity in the bone tissue. It is one of the most common odontogenic infections where "odontos" means "tooth" in Greek, emphasizing that the source of the problem is teeth. If the infection spreads, it may pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient.
Scientists at the University have found that vitamin B6 can reduce anxiety and depression.
Researchers have found that vitamin B6 promotes the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which plays a key role in preventing brain fatigue. GABA has a calming effect on the nervous system, blocking the transmission of excessive nerve impulses. New experiments have shown that vitamin B6 can actually improve mental status by affecting the chemical processes in the brain.
Exercises for anxiety
Anxiety is a complex condition that involves unpleasant feelings and a premonition for negative events. It interferes with focus on current affairs, causes intrusive thoughts, and causes discomfort. Anxiety can be manifested not only on an emotional level, but also physically: a rapid heart rate, increased pressure, sweaty palms and anxiety do not allow to sit still. The person begins to look for ways to relieve these symptoms in order to restore clarity of mind and calm.
Anxiety is the body's natural response to stressful situations. However, sometimes it reaches such strength that the heart freezes and sweat coats the hands. This condition is not only uncomfortable but can also be detrimental to health. There are many effective ways to cope with anxiety.