Hives during menopause

Hives during menopause

Smirnova Anna
March 24, 2025

In every woman's life comes a period when her body begins to change. Reproductive function gradually decreases, and menstrual periods become irregular or stop altogether. This stage is called menopause. At this time, the woman's immune system weakens, the body's defenses are reduced, which can lead to various health problems.

One such problem may be urticaria, an allergic reaction manifested as a watery red rash on the skin or mucous membranes. Stress and other factors that often accompany menopause can trigger it.

Women should see a doctor to relieve urticaria symptoms and improve general health. The specialist will prescribe a complex therapy that will help to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of this condition.

Urticaria and menopause

Often, initial signs of urticaria are similar to those of menopause. People may have headaches, fever, and mood problems. After the first redness on the skin appears, doctors may make a diagnosis and give antihistamines.

Sedatives that have a calming effect are recommended during treatment of urticaria. People with menopause should also use sedatives or herbal infusions and healing teas. Because allergies to food, pollen, or other irritants cause urticaria, doctors include topical antiallergic drugs that suppress the allergen and promote a rapid recovery.

To fully treat urticaria and improve the condition during menopause, it is recommended to take warm baths with sea salt or healing herbs, such as chamomile. These water treatments will relieve inflammation on the skin and normalize the emotional state.

Treatment of Urticaria During Menopause

Treatments for urticaria in menopause are similar to those used in other periods of life. Doctors use the same drugs but pay more attention to the person's emotional state because during this period, women become more irritable and anxious. Good rest, healthy sleep and positive emotions will help to relieve urticaria and improve the general condition.

The key to successful treatment and recovery is the right method, so it is best to consult a doctor.

Zhenoluten (ovaries)
Zhenoluten (ovaries)
Smirnova Anna
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