bonomarlot unique bone marrow peptide regulator

bonomarlot unique bone marrow peptide regulator

Smirnova Anna
September 20, 2024

Bone marrow is the permeable, soft tissue that lies within most of the bones of the human body. It is often confused with the spinal cord, but the two tissues are very different. It is safe to say that the bone marrow is the main organ responsible for hematopoiesis. It produces stem cells, which are the basis of the immune system. The bone marrow is also involved in many metabolic processes and is highly complex, performing many functions. It plays a key role in the formation of new blood cells, its mass is about 5% of the total human weight.

Studies have shown that sometimes diabetes is not caused by problems with the pancreas or adrenal glands, but by disorders in bone marrow, because it is also responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. Bone marrow activity is highest before age 4 to 5 years, after which it gradually decreases, with the red marrow beginning to transform into yellow marrow and continuing for the rest of life. In adults, the contents of red and yellow matter are about the same.

  • Bone marrow plays an indispensable role in
  • Immune processes
  • Formation of bones
  • the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and minerals;
  • synthesis of protein molecules
  • Cholesterol and ascorbic acid production
  • formation of blood reserves.

The main bones that store the largest stores of the substance under consideration are the sternum, spine, skull bones and femur bones. It is an organ of the hematopoietic system, which is characterized by high fragility and a certain vulnerability. Its proper operation may be disrupted by radiation, carcinogenic substances, drugs, or iron deficiency.

Common illnesses and disorders associated with the organ include

  • Leukemia and anemia;
  • Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Myeloproliferative disorders
  • Blood clotting disorders.

However, the prevention of these and other health problems can be achieved by using a peptide bioregulator for bone marrow. We represent Bonomarlot - one of the modern cytomax. It is a complex of peptide fractions derived from the bone marrow of young animals. These peptides have a targeted effect on the elements of hematopoiesis and help normalize metabolic processes, increasing the activity of the body's functions.

Natural Bone Marrow Peptides - Bonomarlot

The complex of peptide fractions obtained from the bone marrow of young animals. The isolated peptides have a selective effect on the cells of the hematopoietic system, normalize their metabolism and increase their functional activity. In a clinical study, the effectiveness of the "Bonomarlot" preparation has been established for restoring the functional activity of the hematopoiesis system in the event of its disorders of various genesis, including exposure to extreme environmental factors, after suffering diseases accompanied by anemia, malnutrition, and aging in order to maintain the function of the hematopoiesis system. Read more in our article: "Features of a unique peptide bioregulator - Bonomarlot".

anemia of various origin
in the complex treatment of oncological patients
Poor nutrition

Smirnova Anna
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