First aid for candidiasis

First aid for candidiasis

Smirnova Anna
October 17, 2024

First aid for candidiasis

Candidiasis, also known as thrush, is an infection caused by a fungus. The disease can affect different parts of the body: the skin, nails, and the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestine, and vagina.

When the first signs of thrush appear, it is extremely important to act immediately. People should see a doctor as soon as possible to minimize risks and to get the help they need. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the doctor right away, try to relieve the unpleasant symptoms yourself and get rid of discomfort while waiting for the visit.

First aid for thrush

Symptoms may vary with thrush. For example, vaginal candidiasis causes itching, burning, and white discharge from the vagina. Do not immediately resort to folk treatments. Do not risk your health, as dubious recipes can make the situation worse and cause additional problems.

Doctors recommend that people practice hygiene and abstain from sexual intercourse when there is first sign of thrush. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor weight. Remember that treatment of candidiasis is most effective in the early stages of the disease. Don't ignore the problem. Even if symptoms disappear, see a gynecologist.

A qualified doctor will evaluate all clinical signs, take a swab of the microflora for analysis and if necessary prescribe the correct treatment.

Chronic candidiasis

Unfortunately, many women delay treatment for candidiasis because of employment. Some people are unaware of the risks and self-administer drug treatment. As a result, the disease can become chronic, and then it will be much harder to cope.

In order to avoid serious health problems, it is very important to contact a doctor in a timely manner. At the first examination, it is necessary to provide the doctor with all important information about the course of the disease and tell about the drugs that have already been used.

The same is true of other candidiasis. It is especially important not to experiment when it comes to babies. Candidiasis in children cause many problems, and if an adult can endure painful symptoms, then risk the health of their child in any case can not.


Local gynecological agent with antibacterial and antifungal properties. It has a bactericidal effect.

Indications for use

  • The agent is used to treat infections and inflammations caused by sensitive microorganisms:
  • nonspecific vaginitis
  • fungal vaginitis
  • mixed vaginitis
  • vulvovaginitis
  • cervicovaginitis
  • It is also used to prevent infections and inflammation:
  • before genital surgery
  • before and after cervical diathermocoagulation
  • before intrauterine diagnostic procedures
  • before delivery
Smirnova Anna
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