How to deal with nightmares

Bad sleep each night may signal a lifestyle change. If you have nightmares, it is important to understand their causes. In this article, we will discuss when to see a doctor and what steps can be taken to improve sleep.
Nightmares as a manifestation of extreme stress
Nightmares are a phenomenon that affects a large part of the population. Studies suggest that about 30 to 50% of people have anxiety dreams periodically, and about 8% of adults have anxiety dreams regularly.
The word "nightmare" comes from the French "caucher" (crush) and "mare" (ghost). In the past, people believed that nightmares sent evil spirits. In Slavic mythology, it was the house mythology, and in German it was the elves.
From a scientific perspective, nightmares are one of the types of dreams that occur most often during REM. These phases become longer during the night, so nightmares are more likely to occur near the morning.
A nightmare is a kind of psychological stress. The person feels weak, unable to run, or is unable to defend against a threat. Sometimes he cries out in his sleep or wakes up in a state of extreme fear. The heart rate is racing, and sweating may be increased. After such a dream, it is difficult to fall asleep again.
One of the most common causes of nightmares is the tragedy experienced. Severe emotional disturbances, such as an accident or loss of a loved one, may recur in dreams.
If nightmares haunt you all the time, it can affect your sleep quality. Sleep disorders not only deprive the body of the opportunity to restore energy, but can also lead to the development of various diseases. Therefore, if nightmares become regular, it is worth seeing a doctor.
Scary sleep as a signal to visit the doctor
Nightmares are the result of our subconscious work, and they can be influenced. If such dreams recur, it is worth trying to remember their details and change the plot. For example, if you dream of falling from a height, imagine that you have a parachute open. Or, if you're haunted by monsters in a nightmare, imagine that they become friendly and want to meet each other. A nightmare is a kind of story that can be changed for the better.
There are several ways to change the content of nightmares. You can talk or draw a good ending. The main thing is to fix it in the mind so that it repeats in a dream. It is best to consult a psychotherapist. In our time, you can make an appointment by phone.

Good bedtime habits
Getting Rid of Nightmares: Useful Habits and Tips
Nightmares can be triggered by stress, negative emotions, and inappropriate lifestyle choices. Here are some useful habits that will help improve the quality of sleep and reduce the likelihood of nightmares:
Positive thoughts before bedtime
Many of us go to bed remembering the events of the past day, unfinished business and conflicts. It can cause stress and negative emotions that interfere with sleep and contribute to nightmares. To avoid this, try switching to pleasant thoughts before going to bed. Think of the good moments of the day, imagine yourself in calm and pacifying places, or think of the pleasant events that lie ahead. This will help to create a positive attitude and improve the quality of sleep.
Relaxing at bedtime
The modern rhythm of life is often accompanied by stress, which can negatively affect the psychological state and quality of sleep. Depressed fears and negative emotions may manifest in nightmares. To avoid this, find ways to relax before going to bed. It can be yoga, doing what you love, going out in the open air, swimming or watching a pleasant movie. If you do not manage to switch to positive emotions on your own, consult a psychotherapist.
Creating a cozy bed
It is important that the bedroom is a place where you feel safe and secure. Avoid combining the bedroom with the office, as it can be associated with stress. The bedroom should be dark and quiet. Thick curtains help block street light, and the relaxing atmosphere of the room will promote good sleep. An uncomfortable bed can also cause nightmares, so pay attention to the mattress, pillows and blankets.
Refusal of electronic devices before bedtime
The blue light emitted by the screens of TVs, computers and smartphones prevents the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone. Circadian rhythms may lead to poor sleep quality and nightmares. So, try not to use electronic devices a couple of hours before you go to sleep. Instead, you can read a book, listen to calm music, or take a warm bath.
Proper nutrition
The energy received at bedtime should be expended. However, if you do not exercise, brain activity may increase, resulting in dreams, including nightmares. Therefore, try to have dinner a few hours before bedtime and avoid heavy and sweet foods. Limiting consumption of coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes before bed is also recommended.
Physical activity
Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of nightmares. But don't overdo it. Find the right exercise after consulting your doctor or coach.
By following these simple tips, you can improve the quality of sleep and reduce the likelihood of nightmares.