How to improve your immune system

How to improve your immune system

Smirnova Anna
October 16, 2024

Reducing immune defenses is often discussed in the spring and during periods of viral spread. This is usually considered almost the main cause of most diseases, especially infectious. What is immunity? Scientific language is the ability of an organism to resist the influence of foreign microorganisms. Simply put, it is his protection.

Life is everywhere. Microbes and viruses are found in the air we inhale and in the water we consume (not all microorganisms die even when boiling). Therefore, in our body at the moment can be the causative agents of many dangerous diseases, which in favorable conditions for them can become fatal in just a few hours. However, because these conditions do not exist, these microbes do not threaten our health.

As confident as it may seem, traditional medicine has a rather vague perception of what disease is and what health is. There is no definitive definition of these terms in any medical source. Most definitions come down to the curious formulation: "disease is lack of health, and health is absence of disease." And the logical question arises — is it possible to cure a person without understanding these basic concepts?

Five methods to enhance immune resistance

Thus, rational nutrition plays a key role in maintaining the purity of the body and, as a result, strong immunity. But this is not the only aspect. There are five other key recommendations that can be usefully considered for better health.

Healthy sleep

It is thought that core hormones are produced by the body between 22:00 and 5:00 (although some sources state a different time frame). According to another version, this occurs from 21:00 to midnight.

The period from evening to midnight is especially important for our health. However, the habit of staying up late in front of the TV or computer can negatively affect the body.

In addition, the youth hormone melatonin is produced during sleep in the dark. Thus, a healthy dream can be called the elixir of immortality, which was sought by alchemists.

For recovery, getting to bed earlier and getting up at dawn is more helpful. To develop this habit, it is important to remember that trying to get up early if you go to bed late usually does not work. It is much more efficient to gradually shift your bedtime, and then you will wake up in the morning without an alarm.

Avoiding emotionally charged information before bedtime—such as movies, video games, social media, and aggressive polemics—is recommended to improve the quality of evening falling asleep. Instead, you can listen to classical music or do meditation.

Outdoor Walking

In today's world, many of us are almost deprived of the opportunity to enjoy outdoor walks, although it is vital for our body. Simply ventilating the room will not replace this. First, it is important not only to breathe fresh air, but also to move. Secondly, at least a few times a week you need to spend time in the sun. Sunlight is the source of vitamin D for our bodies.

Physical activity

The previous section had already mentioned that, but it was worth considering the topic more carefully. If we analyze wild animals, almost all of them are in constant motion, except for sleep. We are not talking about pets that have been adapted to live with humans. They don’t need to hunt, shelter, or defend themselves from enemies: they just eat, sleep, and that’s where their experiences end. In contrast, in natural habitats, animals are continuously active, except for rest time. People lead a completely different way of life, which leads to many diseases. For example, physical inactivity can cause lymph stasis. If blood circulates through the heart, the lymph moves only when the muscles contract, that is, during physical activity. Regular exercise helps increase metabolism and overall vitality. Thus, moderate exercise enhances health.

Reducing sugar intake and increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet is important.

It is necessary to increase the content of plant fiber for detoxification and strengthening immunity. It is desirable that raw fruits and vegetables occupy 50-70% of the diet, which contributes to cleansing the body.

Vegetables play a huge role in cleansing the body. Vegetable fiber itself is not digestible, but it perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat vegetables in the form of salads, but you should not cut them too finely to have a stronger purifying effect. It is the raw vegetables that purify the body. Vegetables subjected to thermal processing - do not have a purifying effect, but partially assimilated.

Fruits are a source of energy and vitamins. They are easily digestible and are considered the most natural food for humans.Revilab ML 02

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· for anemias of different genesis
· in case of malfunction of the hematopoiesis system
· in case of varicose veins
· in the case of arteriosclerosis of vessels
· for trophic ulcers
· in thrombophlebitis
· for angiopathies
· to increase immunity
· in case of metabolic disturbance
· in complex treatment of oncological patients
· Improving tolerance of chemo-radiation therapy
· increasing the body's resistance to intoxication, infections

Smirnova Anna
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