Sleep and excess weight, how are they all connected?

Sleep and excess weight, how are they all connected?

Smirnova Anna
February 3, 2025

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the quality of sleep in humans has deteriorated over the past two decades. The number of adults who sleep less than six hours a day increased by 5%
Up to 25% of the world’s population is reported to be overweight. Over the past three decades, the incidence of obesity has doubled among adults and tripled among children.

This is no accident. Experts argue that there is a relationship between sleep disorders and excess weight. In this article, we will examine how metabolism affects sleep from a scientific perspective.

Healthy sleep: what you need to know

Sleep is not just a state of rest, but a complex process that consists of several stages. These stages alternate several times during the night, providing the body with a full rest.

The process begins with falling asleep, as people go from being awake to being asleep. Then comes the phase of superficial slow sleep, which is followed by deep slow sleep. After that, the person goes to a REM sleep phase, which lasts about 10 minutes. Interestingly, phase duration varies throughout the night: the closer the awakening, the longer the REM sleep.

During REM sleep, people dream. They last only five to ten minutes, although they may seem longer. Most vivid and catchy dreams are often dreamed before awakening because the REM sleep phase is longer.

Researchers identify several criteria that help determine sleep quality:

  • Satisfaction with the quality and duration of sleep.
  • Continuity of sleep.
  • Awakening vigor.
  • Sleep habits correspond to human biological rhythms.

Studies confirm that sleep duration should be appropriate for the person's age.

Neonates and children under a year need about 16-18 hours of sleep, preschoolers 10-12 hours, and adolescents 8-10 hours. Adults must sleep at least 8 hours, and older people must sleep at least 6 to 7 hours.

In practice, these recommendations are often not followed. Sleep disorders can be caused by many factors.

Why is sleep getting worse?

  • Sleep may be disrupted for many reasons. Here are the most common ones:
  • Stress: Constant stress impairs sleep quality.
  • Physical activity: Excess or lack of movement can interfere with falling asleep.
  • Harmful habits: Smoking, alcohol and other addictions interfere with sleep.
  • Anxiety: Constant thoughts and experiences prevent people from relaxing and falling asleep.
  • Night Shift: Shift schedule knocks down biological clock.
  • Information overload: Reading before bed or using gadgets excites the brain.
  • Inadequate nutrition: Late dinner, overeating, and caffeine use decrease sleep quality.
  • Annoying factors: Noise and bright light interfere with sleep.

Many of these factors can be controlled. For example, limit the use of bedtime gadgets, establish a meal plan, and seek psychologic support.

Many of these factors can be controlled. For example, limit the use of bedtime gadgets, establish a meal plan, and seek psychologic support.

Effect of sleep deprivation on metabolism

A 2019 study found that the number of overweight people is rising significantly. Experts predict that adult obesity rates may double over the next decade.
Interestingly, women are now more likely to be overweight. However, in 10-15 years, experts estimate that this will change, and obesity will become common among men.
It also shows that the rising trend of overweight people coincides with the decreasing length of sleep.

A study in the Mediterranean countries found that sleeping less than 5 hours a day increased the risk of metabolic disorders and promoted weight gain.
Lack of sleep also contributes to visceral obesity, in which fatty tissue accumulates in the abdomen. This puts additional pressure on internal organs and increases the risk of diabetes.

Another study in the early part of the century found that people who sleep less than 7 hours decrease leptin levels and increase ghrelin levels. These hormonal changes lead to an increase in appetite and weight gain.
Interestingly, subsequent studies have shown that not only lack of sleep, but also excess sleep can lead to obesity. So, if you sleep more than 9 hours a day, you can also face weight gain.

Scientists in Japan conducted a study that examined the relationship between sleep disorders in children and overweight. More than 8,000 children, ages 6-7, participated in the study.
It turned out that lack of sleep really affects metabolism and contributes to weight gain. Boys were more sensitive than girls.
Experts note that children or adults who go to bed late often snack at night. Late dinner, especially a large one, is another risk factor for obesity.
Sleep disorders can also cause diabetes. Short sleep, insomnia, night shift work, and frequent night awakenings increase pro-inflammatory cytokines and create conditions for insulin resistance. As a result, circadian rhythms of hormone production change, and glucose levels increase, particularly during the morning.
Experts from the American Diabetic Association note that there is some association between obesity, diabetes mellitus, and sleep disturbances.
Type 2 diabetes is more common among people who sleep less than 7 hours a day. However, prolonged sleep does not protect against metabolic disorders.
Thus, to avoid overweight and related problems, it is important to get a good night's sleep. If you are already overweight and diets do not help, it is worth checking if something interferes with normal sleep. Consult an endocrinologist for professional help.

Cerluten (nervous system)
Cerluten (nervous system)
Smirnova Anna
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