What to do if your blood pressure is below normal

What to do if your blood pressure is below normal.
Normal blood pressure readings in a healthy person should range from 120 to 139/60 to 89. If they go beyond these limits - it means either hypotension, in the case when the figures on the tonometer are below the recommended, or hypertension, if, on the contrary, above the desired. And if there are several groups of different drugs for the treatment of the latter, and many people know about its danger, the low pressure is often underestimated and not taken seriously.
What are the causes of hypotension, what are its symptoms, and are there ways to help yourself with this disease?
What are the causes of low blood pressure?
Very often the tonometer appears in the home first aid kit of those who suffer from hypertension. Patients measure their performance, take their drugs, and record their results in special diaries. However, many people who tend to have low blood pressure tend to have no idea about it at all.
Often, hypotension is incidental to a medical examination, a medical examination, or a completely different medical consultation. Some people are adapted to low blood pressure readings and do not experience any unpleasant sensations, so they do not seek medical help specifically.
Reasons for hypotension vary. The disorder may be primary, meaning it develops on its own in people with a characteristic asthenic build type. They are usually young girls, teenagers and skinny boys. As a rule, there is a clear hereditary predisposition. The cause is decreased vascular tone of various calibers, and impaired regulation of vascular tone by the central nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Hypotension is a symptom of autonomic dystonia in the first case, and various renal diseases in the second. Patients are usually not severely ill. Sometimes pressure returns to normal as the underlying disorder resolves, but more often it remains low for a long time.
However, sometimes hypotension is a symptom of very serious diseases and pathological conditions. They include massive blood loss, various types of shock (anaphylactic, toxic, traumatic), myocardial infarction, malformations and severe atherosclerotic heart disease, gastric ulcer and 12-typedic colon (including perforation), hypothyroidism, infectious diseases, splenic rupture, ovarian apoplexy, etc. The first priority is to treat the underlying disorder, and then the pressure level returns to normal.
It is worth remembering that sometimes hypotension is a kind of vascular reaction to staying at a high altitude. For example, in mountaineers or climbers, pressure is always low, and even for them, the figure of 90/60 is the norm. Professional athletes, particularly those who hold their breath for a long time (such as swimmers), also usually have low blood pressure.
General symptoms of hypotension
Many people who tend to have low blood pressure do not experience any unpleasant sensations at all. If it remains at 100/60 for many years, then it is likely that people will be fully adapted to it. Deteriorations occur most often when it falls abruptly. Most often it occurs when the weather changes (especially in cloudy, rainy weather), after a sleepless night, alcohol abuse.
Symptoms of hypotonia can be: aching headache, and its location can be different, weakness, dizziness, flashing flies in front of the eyes, transient visual disturbances, drowsiness, decreased working ability and tolerance of physical activity, the sensation of chills. This condition can develop suddenly and completely knock a person out of their usual rut. In contrast to hypertensive emergencies, low blood pressure does not result in throbbing headache, nausea and vomiting, or paresthesias in the extremities.
If hypotension is a symptom of severe illness, as previously listed, manifestations will vary depending on the initial cause.
Drugs and non-drug treatments for hypotension
If hypertension causes a variety of drugs in doctors’ toolkits that they select for their patients, then hypotension causes less variety. The reason is that in 85% of patients, hypertension is essential or primary, and most hypotension has very specific causes that can be corrected or corrected as much as possible.
Therefore, as such, the hypertensive group of drugs simply does not exist. There are a number of drugs that increase pressure in the emergency: caffeine sodium benzoate, tablets Citramon, etc., To increase the pressure in everyday life are used in most cases non-medical methods.