Essential phospholipids 50 mg solution

Essential phospholipids 50 mg solution

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Essential phospholipids has a hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effect, restores liver function, inhibits the formation of connective tissue, reducing the risk of developing fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver
Active substance:phospholipids
Pharmacological group:Hepatoprotectors
Dosage mg:50
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Instructions for Essential phospholipids 50 mg solution

English product name
Essential phospholipides

Release form
50 mg/1 ml r/w: amp. 5 ml 5, 10, 250 or 500 pcs.

Solution for in/in injection transparent or almost transparent, yellow.

1 ml
phospholipids 50 mg
Auxiliary substances: benzyl alcohol - 9 mg, deoxycholic acid - 23 mg, sodium chloride - 2.4 mg, sodium hydroxide - 2.4 mg, riboflavin sodium phosphate (in terms of riboflavin) - 0.1 mg, ethanol 96% - 3.3 mg, water d/and up to 1 ml.

5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of cell contour (1) - packs of cardboard.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of cellular contour (2) - packs of cardboard.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of contour plastic (1) - packs of cardboard.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of contour plastic (2) - packages of cardboard.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - cardboard packs with separating insert.
5 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs with separating insert.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of cell contour (50) - boxes of cardboard (for stationary).
5 ml - ampoules (5) - packages of box-type contour (100) - boxes of cardboard (for stationary).
5 ml - ampoules (5) - contoured plastic packaging (50) - cardboard boxes (for stationary).
5 ml - ampoules (5) - contoured plastic packaging (100) - cardboard boxes (for stationary).

ATC codes
A05BA Preparations for the treatment of liver diseases

Clinical-pharmacological groups / Group affiliation

Active substance

Pharmacotherapy group Essential phospholipids
Hepatoprotective agent

Storage Conditions
In a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. Store in a place not accessible to children.

Best before date
The shelf life is three years.

Pharmacological effect Essential phospholipids:

It has hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects. Phosphatidylcholine (the main component of phospholipids) is the main structural element of cell and intracellular membranes, capable of restoring their structure and functions in damage, exerting a cytoprotective effect. Normalizes protein and lipid metabolism, prevents hepatocytes from losing enzymes and other active substances, restores liver function, inhibits formation of connective tissue, reducing the risk of development of fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver.

Testimony Essential phospholipids:

  • fatty liver dystrophy (including diabetes mellitus);
  • acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, necrosis of liver cells, hepatic coma and precoma, toxic liver lesions;
  • pregnancy toxicosis;
  • Pre- and post-operative treatment, especially in hepatobiliary zone operations;
  • psoriasis (as an auxiliary therapy);
  • radiation sickness.

Method of use, course and dosage Essential phospholipids:

The drug is intended for intravenous administration and should not be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly due to possible local irritation reactions. In the absence of other recommendations, the drug should be administered intravenously jet slowly five - ten ml (one - two ampoules) per day, in severe cases - from ten to twenty ml (two - four ampoules) per day. At one time it is permissible to inject up to ten ml (two ampoules) of the drug. It is recommended to dilute the drug with the patient's blood in a ratio of 1:1. If it is impossible to use the patient's own blood, a 5% or 10% solution of dextrose for infusion, containing no electrolytes, should be used to dilute the drug in a ratio of 1:1. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor and can range from two to five days to ten to twenty days.

According to the doctor's testimony, the drug can be administered drip, at a speed of 40-50 cap./min, dissolving in 250-300 ml 5% of dextrose.
The diluted solution must remain transparent for the duration of the administration.
It is recommended to replace parenteral administration with oral administration of the drug as soon as possible.
Do not mix in one syringe with other drugs. Do not dilute with 0.9% sodium chloride solution and Ringer solution!

Use in children
It is contraindicated to children under three years of age. With care - children over three years old.

  • Nosology Essential phospholipids (ICD codes)
  • B15
  • Acute hepatitis A
  • B16
  • Acute hepatitis B
  • B17.1
  • Acute hepatitis C
  • B18.1
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta agent
  • B18.2
  • Chronic viral hepatitis C
  • K70.0
  • Alcoholic fatty liver dystrophy [fatty liver]
  • K71
  • Toxic liver failure
  • K72
  • Liver failure not classified in other rubrics (including hepatic coma, hepatic encephalopathy)
  • K73
  • Chronic hepatitis not classified elsewhere
  • K74
  • Fibrosis and cirrhosis
  • K76.0
  • Fatty liver (liver degeneration) not classified elsewhere
  • L40
  • Psoriasis
  • O21
  • Excessive vomiting of pregnant women
  • T66
  • Unspecified radiation effects (radiation sickness)
Active substance
Pharmacological group
Dosage mg
Pills in 1 package
Country of origin
Expiration Date
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