Licopid (GMDP)

Licopid (GMDP)

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Licopid immunomodulatory agent, enhances the body's defenses against viral, bacterial and fungal infections
Active substance:Glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide
Pharmacological group:Immune system
Country of origin:Russia
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Instructions for Licopid

According to the accepted classification, Likopid is a drug for stimulating immunity, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the body's defenses. This effect is provided by the active substance of the composition - glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. The drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Peptek. Read the instructions for using the tool.

Composition Licopid (GMDP):

and form of release Instructions for the use of Licopid indicate the composition of the drug. It comes in tablet format . Their description and packaging: Description White round pills Concentration of GMDP (glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide), mg per piece 1 or 10 Supporting components Calcium stearate, lactose, methylcellulose, potato starch, sucrose Packaging Packs of 10, 1 or 2 in a pack

Licopid (GMDP) pharmachologic effect has immunomodulatory properties , the active component enters the body and binds to specific centers of the endoplasm of T-lymphocytes and phagocytes. This leads to stimulation of the activity of the phagocytic type in macrophages, neutrophils, an increase in their cytotoxic and bactericidal activity. Under the action of the drug Licopid, the proliferation of B-lymphocytes increases, specific antibodies are produced. The medicine stimulates anti-tumor immunity.

Licopid (GMDP) Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The use of the agent activates the synthesis of tumor necrosis factors, interleukins 1,12 and 6, gamma-interferons, the production of colony-stimulating factors. Under the influence of the active component of the composition, the efficiency of killer cells increases. Once inside, the active ingredient is found in maximum concentration after 1.5 hours, has a 10% bioavailability. Glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP) weakly binds to albumin and is metabolized without the formation of active metabolites. The half-life is 4.5 hours, excreted in the urine.

Licopid (GMDP) Indications for use:

The tablets can be used in the complex therapy of diseases against the background of secondary immunodeficiencies. The instruction highlights the readings: chronic lung infections; herpes infection, ophthalmic herpes; papillomavirus infection; acute or chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, skin, postoperative complications, trophic ulcers; chronic viral hepatitis B or C; pulmonary tuberculosis; psoriasis, including arthropathic form.

Method of administration and dosage Licopid (GMDP):

According to the instructions, the tablets are used sublingually (dissolve under the tongue) or orally on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Likopid for adults for the prevention of complications after surgery is prescribed 1 mg once a day for 10 days. In the treatment of purulent-septic processes of moderate severity, you can take 2 mg 2-3 times a day in a ten-day course, heavy - 10 mg once a day in the same course. If the patient has a chronic respiratory tract disease, the tablets are taken 1-2 mg once a day for 10 days, with tuberculosis - 10 mg once a day in the same course. Mild forms of herpes infection are treated by taking 2 mg 1-2 times a day for six days, severe - 10 mg 1-2 times a day. With ophthalmic herpes, tablets are taken at 10 mg twice a day in a three-day course, after three days the treatment is repeated. To eliminate the human papillomavirus that has infected the cervix, Likopid is taken 10 mg once a day for a course of 10 days. For the treatment of psoriasis, 10-20 mg is prescribed 1-2 times a day in a ten-day course, then the use of 10-20 mg every other day is shown. If psoriasis is severe or arthropathic, you need to take 10 mg orally twice a day for a three-week course. During the period of remission, only Likopid is taken, with an exacerbation, complex treatment is used.

special instructions Licopid (GMDP):

According to the instructions, taking the pills does not affect the decrease in concentration of attention and the speed of response, therefore, treatment can be carried out while driving or using dangerous machinery. Likopid increases the efficiency of antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral drugs, reduces the duration of treatment, the dosage of chemotherapy drugs
During the carrying of a child or breastfeeding, the use of the medication is contraindicated.

Likopid for children:

The immunomodulator Likopid can be used by children from one year of age. Until the age of 16, the use of tablets at a concentration of 1 mg is indicated. For the treatment of infections of the ENT organs and inflammatory skin diseases, 1 mg is taken once a day for a course of 10 days, in the treatment of herpes - 1 mg three times a day with the same course. To eliminate viral hepatitis, the use of 1 mg three times a day in a 20-day course Licopid is indicated. For newborns suffering from pneumonia, enterocolitis, bronchitis, sepsis, you can use 500 mcg twice a day for 7-10 days.

Drug interactions Likopid:

According to the instructions, it is inappropriate to prescribe Likopid simultaneously with antibiotics tetracyclines, sulfa drugs. When combined with penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones or polyene derivatives, synergism (enhancement) of action is observed. Antacids, enterosorbents can reduce the bioavailability of the drug, and cytotoxic drugs Licopid and glucocorticosteroids can reduce the effectiveness. Licopid and alcohol The pages of the instructions do not say what the body's reactions to the combination of Likopid and alcohol are. In the presence of immunodeficiency (indications for the use of the drug Licopid), alcoholic beverages are contraindicated. A small one-time serving of ethanol will not affect the treatment, but if it is abused, it can result in a complete neutralization of the beneficial effect of the drug.

Likopid Side effects:

The only side effect of the use of Likopid, the instruction calls a short-term increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees . This negative reaction goes away without additional treatment; when it appears, you do not need to cancel the drug. To date, not a single case of drug overdose is known, but it is not recommended to exceed the permissible dose.

Likopid Contraindications:

There are several contraindications in which the use of the drug Licopid is strictly prohibited. The instruction refers to them: exacerbation of autoimmune thyroiditis; pregnancy, breastfeeding period; diseases associated with hyperthermia, high body temperature or fever; hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition, their individual intolerance or allergies

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These are good and one of the better brands. Good to take every day to immune system function. I have used this brand for a long time.
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