Triazavirin (riamilovir)

Triazavirin (riamilovir)

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Triazavirin (riamilovir) antimicrobial, a drug intended for the treatment of viral infections, contains the active ingredient riamilovir, which is effective in the treatment of influenza, ARVI and other infections
Active substance:riamilovir
Pharmacological group:Antivirals
Dosage mg:250
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Instructions for Triazavirin (riamilovir)

English Product Name

Release Form Triazavirin
caps. 250 mg: 10 or 20 pcs.


The capsules are solid gelatin No. 1, the body is yellow and the lid is red; the capsules contain microcrystalline powder or granules of yellow or yellow-green color.

1 caps.
triazavirin 250 mg
Auxiliary substances: calcium stearate - 2 mg.

The composition of the capsule body: titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow dye, sunset yellow dye, medical gelatin.
The composition of the capsule lid: titanium dioxide, dye azorubin, gelatin medical.

ATX codes
J05AX Other antiviral drugs

Clinical and pharmacological groups / Group affiliation
Antiviral drug

Active ingredient

Pharmacotherapeutic group Triazavirin

Antiviral agent

Retention conditions riamilovir
The drug should be stored in areas that children cannot reach.

Expiration date
The expiration date is two years.

"Pharmacological action and application

Triazavirin exhibits a powerful antiviral effect, being a synthetic analog of guanine, the base of purine nucleosides. Its impact on viruses of PHK-containing species is comprehensive and extensive.

Basic principles of action
One of the main mechanisms of Triazavirin's action is its ability to suppress viral RNA synthesis and genomic replication.

Indications for application

This drug is highly effective in treating influenza in adults. If necessary, it can be combined with the use of symptomatic means to improve the result.

Method of use, dosage and course of treatment riamilovir

Triazavirin must be taken by mouth regardless of food intake.

Recommended Dosage
Begin taking the drug no later than the second day of illness (when the first clinical symptoms appear). It is recommended to take 1 capsule (250 mg) of Triazavirin three times a day (total daily dose is 750 mg) for 5 days. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to 7 days."

  • Nosology Triazavirin (ICD codes)
  • J10
  • Influenza due to identified seasonal influenza virus
  • J11
  • Influenza, unspecified
Active substance
Pharmacological group
Dosage mg
Expiration Date
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