Why do your nails hurt?

Why do your nails hurt?

Smirnova Anna
December 13, 2024

Nails, like hair, are derived from skin. When nail problems occur, many people think it is due to a lack of vitamins or an unfavorable environment.
However, various factors can actually affect the condition of the nails: unbalanced nutrition, improper care, and even certain

Inadequate nutrition can have a significant impact on nail health and condition. The lack of important trace minerals and vitamins can lead to various problems, such as brittleness and nail lamination.

Let's consider in detail several key elements necessary for the health of nails:

It is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen to cells. Iron deficiency may cause nail fragility and pallor of the nail bed, which may indicate anemia. Iron is found in red meat and liver. Vegetarians can get it from special supplements, but only after consulting a doctor. Iron deficiency is particularly common among older people and pregnant women.

This trace element is essential for nail health. Oysters are one of the best sources of zinc. A small amount of this seafood can completely cover the body's daily need for zinc.

Protein: Nails are made of keratin, which is a form of protein. High-quality sources of protein include chicken and Native American meat. Lack of protein can impair nail function.

Vitamin B12:
This vitamin plays an important role in maintaining nail health. It is found in meat and seafood such as oysters.

Nails become brittle and brittle when calcium is deficient, as do bones. Blood tests may be done to check the calcium level.


Water accounts for about 12% of the volume of the nail. Lack of fluid can result in brittle, dissecting nails. It is recommended to use one and a half - two liters of water per day, distributing it on equal portions.

It is important to monitor nutritional diversity and balance and to ensure adequate fluid intake to maintain nail health. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the nails, but also on the general health of the body.

Exoderil (Naftifine)
Exoderil (Naftifine)
Smirnova Anna
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