Fenistil (Dimetindene) gel

Fenistil (Dimetindene) gel

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Fenistil (Dimetindene) Antihistamine, anti-allergic and antipruritic agent, reduces itching and irritation caused by skin-allergic reactions
Active substance:dimetindene
Pharmacological group:Antiallergic agent
Dosage mg:0.1
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Instructions for Fenistil (Dimetindene)

Fenistil (Dimetindene)

Pharmacological properties
Dimetinden maleat, a derivative of pheninden, is a histamine antagonist at the H1 receptor level. It has an anti-allergic and anti-cancer effect. Thanks to the active substance of the drug Fenistil- dimetinden maleat when applied to the skin reduces itching and irritation, accompanying skin allergic reactions. The drug also has a locally-inesthetic property.

With the local use of Fenistyl gel thanks to its specially designed basis, the active substance quickly penetrates the skin, its action begins in a few minutes Maximum effect is achieved in 1-4 hours.

Skin itching in various skin rashes, hives, insect bites, solar erythema and superficial burns.

The gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day. In cases of pronounced itching in common skin lesions it is recommended to use oral forms of the drug Fenistil at the same time as the local use of the gel.

Increased sensitivity to any component of the drug Fenistil.

Side effects
Sometimes there may be a temporary feeling of dryness or burning skin. In isolated cases - allergic reactions from the skin.

Special instructions
If itchy or lesions large areas of skin Fenistyl gel can be used only after consultation with a doctor. During treatment with the drug should avoid the long-term effect of UV radiation on the affected areas of the skin, to prevent the gel from entering the eyes. If hit, thoroughly rinse your eyes with plenty of water. When applying the gel on large areas of the skin should avoid prolonged insolation.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding. The use of the drug Fenistil vduring pregnancy has no teratogenic or any other effect on the development of the embryo/fetus. During pregnancy and breast-feeding Fenistil gel should not be used on large areas of the skin, especially on damaged and inflamed skin.

Breastfeeding should not apply gel on the nipples of the breasts.

children. In infants and young children, the drug Dimetindene should not be applied to large areas of the skin, especially if they are damaged or inflamed.

The ability to influence the speed of reaction when driving or working with mechanisms. It doesn't.

Not known.

There were no reports of drug Fenistil overdoses.

If a large amount of Fenistil gel is accidentally ingested, there may be some symptoms characteristic for overdose H1 antihistamines for systemic use: cnency depression, drowsiness (mostly in adults), stimulation of the central nervous system, anticholinergic effects (especially in children), accompanied by arousal, ataxia, hallucinations, tonic-clonal convulsions, midrias, dry mouth, hyperemia of the face, disturbance of urination, arterial hypotension is also possible.

Fenistil Treatment is symptomatic.

Active substance
Pharmacological group
Dosage mg
Country of origin
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Fenistil (dimetindene)
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