Hypoxen (Sodium Polydihydroxyphenylene Thiosulfonate)

Hypoxen (Sodium Polydihydroxyphenylene Thiosulfonate)

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HYPOXEN (Sodium Polydihydroxyphenylene Thiosulfonate) has an antihypoxic effect, - in the complex therapy of severe traumatic injuries, blood loss, extensive surgical interventions, respiratory diseases
Active substance:Sodium Polydihydroxyphenylene Thiosulfonate
Pharmacological group:Brain health
Dosage mg:250
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Instructions for HYPOXEN (Sodium Polydihydroxyphenylene Thiosulfonate)

English product name

Release form
caps. 250 mg: 20 or 30 pcs


Capsules are solid gelatine, №3, dark brown, with the logo of the manufacturer white; The contents of the capsules are black powder, odorless or with a weak specific smell.

1 cap.
sodium polydihydroxyphenylenthiosulfonate 250 mg
Capsule shell composition:
iron oxide black (E172),
iron oxide red (E172),
iron oxide yellow (E172),
titanium dioxide (E171)

ATC codes
A13A General toning drugs

Clinical-pharmacological groups / Group affiliation
A preparation which improves the metabolism and energy supply of tissues and reduces tissue hypoxia

Active substance
sodium polydihydroxyphenylenthiosulfonate

Pharmacotherapy group Hypoxen
Antihypoxant agent

Storage Conditions
The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, inaccessible to children at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Best before date
Shelf life - 4 years

Testimony Hypoxen:

to increase the efficiency in extreme and adverse conditions accompanied by a lack of oxygen (including high altitude, conditions of the Arctic Circle, underwater work);
Mental and physical overwork, camerawork and other intense activities accompanied by chronic fatigue and tiredness;
in complex therapy of severe traumatic lesions, blood loss, extensive operative interventions, diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis);
as part of the complex therapy of stable angina (prevention of angina attacks), arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure I and II functional class according to NYHA classification.

How to take the drug:

Capsules are taken inside, before or during meals, with little water.

A single dose for adults is 2-4 caps.
The maximum daily dose is twelve caps. The calculation of the daily dose depending on the body weight is given in the table.
To eliminate hypoxia developing in extreme conditions: Hypoventilation of the lungs, highlands, underwater works, work in high temperature conditions, sports activities prescribe one daily dose of Hypoxen® for 30-60 minutes before load.
In the case of long-term intensive mental activity, chronic fatigue, in order to reduce the recovery period after suffering excessive physical exertion, injuries, operative interventions, 1/2 daily dose of the drug is prescribed twice/day for two weeks.

Courses can be repeated with a break of 1-2 weeks.
In complex treatment of pneumonia - 1/2 daily dose d times/day; course 14 days.
In complex treatment of obstructive bronchitis - 1/2 daily dose 2 times/day; 2 courses of 14 days seven intervals of days.
In the complex treatment of bronchial asthma - 1/2 daily dose 2 times / day; courses 21-30 days with inter

Use in pregnancy and breastfeeding
The use of the preparation during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Side Effect:

Possible: allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use Hypoxen:

hemorrhagic stroke;
lactation period;
increased sensitivity to drug components.
Terms of Sale
The drug is allowed to be used as a non-prescription drug.

Nosology Hypoxen (ICD codes)
Essential [primary] hypertension
Angina [breast toad]
Congestive heart failure
Bacterial pneumonia not classified elsewhere
Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bleeding not classified in other categories
Unspecified localization injuries
Adverse impact of other risk factors
Stress conditions not classified in other headings (physical and mental stress)

Pharmacological effect:

Hypoxen is a class of antihypoxants and antioxidants that reduce oxygen consumption and increase the efficiency of the body in extreme situations. The preparation has an antihypoxic effect by increasing the efficiency of tissue respiration in hypoxia conditions, especially in organs with a high level of metabolism (brain, heart muscle, liver).

The Hypoxen provides a reduction in the consumption of oxygen under significant physical loads, an improvement in tissue respiration, a reduction in mental and physical fatigue, and the successful execution of labour-intensive physical operations.

Active substance
Pharmacological group
Dosage mg
Pills in 1 package
Country of origin
Expiration Date
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Sara Fernandez
It really helps my focus and memory so I highly recommend.
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