AFOBAZOLE (Fabomotizole) 10 mg 60 tablets

AFOBAZOLE (Fabomotizole) 10 mg 60 tablets

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Anxiolytic agent (tranquilizer), for anxiety and disorders. Neurasthenia and adjustment disorders
Active substance:Fabomotizole
Pharmacological group:TRANQUILIZER
Pills in 1 package:60
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Composition AFOBAZOLE:

To eliminate internal anxiety and quickly get rid of emotional stress, doctors prescribe Afobazol tablets (Aphobazolum). The specified medication collects positive feedback from patients, but before starting the course, it is required to individually consult with a doctor. Composition of Fabomotizole  The medical product is produced in a single dosage form - flat, cylindrical, cream-colored film-coated tablets for oral administration. The medicine is packed in jars with a polymer lid of 30, 50, 100, 120 pcs. or distributed in blisters, packing 10, 20, 50 or 100 pieces. Each package contains instructions for use. The therapeutic effect provides a component of the same name with a concentration of 5 or 10 mg in 1 table.

Features of the chemical composition AFOBAZOLE:

anxiolytic fabomotizole (INN - fabomotizole) magnesium stearate potato starch (Amylum solani) microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose microcrystallic)
povidone (Povidonum) milk sugar (Saccharum lactis) Fabomotizole

Properties of the drug AFOBAZOLE:

is a representative of the pharmacological group of anxiolytic agents. The active substance, being a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, is a non-benzodiazepine tranquilizer. The drug acts on the sigma-1 receptors in the brain, which are responsible for emotions, memory, sensory perception and fine motor skills. Pharmacological properties: relieves anxiety without causing lethargy, lethargy, apathy; improves mood; relieves symptoms of depression; improves the quality of sleep; relieves emotional instability.Fabomotizole

The active substance does not cause drowsiness, relaxation of skeletal muscles (muscle relaxation). Fabomotizole maintains concentration, does not reduce the capabilities of the brain. During the course of treatment, there is no drug dependence. After oral administration of a single dose, the drug is rapidly adsorbed from the digestive tract, enters the bloodstream, and is evenly distributed in the tissues. Metabolism takes place in the liver. The half-life is 45 minutes. It is excreted by the kidneys

AFOBAZOLE is an antidepressant or not:

The specified medication belongs to the pharmacological group of selective anxiolytics - tranquilizers, but has a mild, sparing effect in the body, does not cause the so-called "addictive effect". Among the advantages of this pharmaceutical prescription against the background of heavy benzodiazepine non-selective tranquilizers, doctors emphasize the absence of drug Fabomotizole withdrawal syndrome, high concentration of attention and preservation of memory functions. The drug does not reduce muscle tone.

Indications for the use of AFOBAZOLE:

For pathologies that are accompanied by changes in the functional activity of the cerebral cortex,
 doctors prescribe a sedative Fabomotizole.
The instructions for use contain a complete list of medical indications:
asthenic neuroses;
mental disorders in women during menopause
; violation of adaptation;
chronic insomnia
 symptoms of cyclical (menstrual) syndrome in women
suffered stress, unfounded fears; smoking cessation syndrome
anxiety disorders on the background of dermatological
 oncological, somatic diseases,
for example
with lupus
arterial hypertension
bronchial asthma (bronchospasm)
ischemia of the hear
 angina pectoris
 arrhythmias; anxiety disorders with vegetative-vascular dystonia; a stable feeling of anxiety of unexplained origin. Fabomotizole

How to take AFOBAZOLE:

The medicinal product is intended for oral administration. Treatment with AFOBAZOLE should be completed in full. The tablets must be drunk on a full stomach, while it is important to observe the prescribed dosages. A single dose of anxiolytic is 10 mg, the daily dose is 30 mg. The patient is supposed to take the medicine for 3 daily approaches - in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The tablets cannot be chewed beforehand, it is supposed to be swallowed whole, washed down with a sufficient volume of water. The course of treatment varies from 2 to 4 weeks. Statistics show that positive dynamics is observed closer to the 4th week of regular use of AFOBAZOLE. According to the instructions for use, for medical reasons, the daily dose is doubled, the treatment is continued for 3 months. AFOBAZOLE

special instructions AFOBAZOLE:

Afobazol tablets remove the symptoms of irritability in women with hormonal disruptions during menopause, relieve hangover and promote peace of mind. The instructions for use provide valuable advice for patients who are about to undergo a full course of treatment: The medicine is not recommended to be taken before bedtime. It is advisable to take a pill a couple of hours before a night's rest. Otherwise, the patient is worried about insomnia. It is allowed to use Afobazol when driving a car, since the specified medication does not inhibit the psychomotor reactions of the body, does not depress the nervous system. When switching to another sedative medicine, it is important to remember that the sedative AFOBAZOLE maintains the therapeutic effect for another 2 weeks after the medication is discontinued. The drug AFOBAZOLE improves coordination of movements, does not interfere with the work with complex mechanisms. After the expiration date (2 years from the date of manufacture), it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine as directed. Fabomotizole

During pregnancy and breastfeeding AFOBAZOLE:

The drug AFOBAZOLE is characterized by low toxicity, but it is still contraindicated to use it when carrying a fetus. Moreover, doctors recommend abandoning such a pharmaceutical appointment 2 weeks before planning pregnancy. This time is enough to remove substances that are aggressive for the embryo from the woman's body. Since the medication is excreted in breast milk, it is better not to use it during lactation. Otherwise, you will have to temporarily transfer the infant to adapted formulas. Fabomotizole

for children Fabomotizole

AFOBAZOLE for children According to the instructions for use, it is categorically contraindicated to use the medicine AFOBAZOLE in childhood (patients under 18 years of age). Clinical studies of this category of patients in pediatrics have not been performed. Fabomotizole

Drug interactions AFOBAZOLE:

In the complex treatment of anxiety disorders, it is important to remember about drug interactions between representatives of different pharmacological groups. Instructions for the use of AFOBAZOLE contain important recommendations for patients: In combination with Diazepam, the anxiolytic effect of the latter is enhanced. The sedative drug AFOBAZOLE  activates the anticonvulsant effect of Carbamazepine. The medication does not affect the hypnotic effect of Thiopental sodium. AFOBAZOLE

Afobazole and alcohol AFOBAZOLE:

Medicinal interaction of the drug AFOBAZOLE with ethanol is excluded, moreover, AFOBAZOLE is recommended for alcoholism to suppress the unpleasant symptoms of hangover. In case of alcohol withdrawal, 20 mg of the drug is administered orally twice a day. In this way, the absorption of alcohol into the blood slows down, the products of intoxication (harmful toxins) are bound and removed. The medication neutralizes the effects of alcohol and the effects of alcohol abuse.

Side effects AFOBAZOLE:

The sedative AFOBAZOLE is well tolerated by the body, but doctors do not exclude the appearance of allergic reactions at the beginning of the course. Possible side effects are described in the instructions for use: small rash, urticaria, erythema; itching, swelling, burning, discomfort; allergic rhinitis; dermatitis; allergic sneezing; indigestion (constipation, diarrhea); symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting); migraine attacks. Fabomotizole

Contraindications AFOBAZOLE:

Not all patients with an increased sense of anxiety can take AFOBAZOLE tablets. The instructions for use describe medical contraindications that apply to such clinical cases: galactosemia (galactose intolerance); lactase deficiency; hypersensitivity of the body to the active ingredients of the drug; malabsorption of glucose-galactose (intolerance to monosaccharides); age up to 18 years; pregnancy, lactation.

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Pills in 1 package
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A natural calming effect. Very subtle, not a noticeable feeling yet it does seem to work.
Best price Afobazole everywhere
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