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Piracetam nootropic drug that has an effect on the central nervous system, modifies neurotransmission in the brain, improves metabolic processes in the brain
Active substance:Piracetam
Pharmacological group:Nootropic
Country of origin:Russia
Expiration Date:Always fresh
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Reviews 1

Instructions for Piracetam

Release Form

caps. 400 mg: 60 pcs.


Capsules 1 caps.
piracetes 400 mg

ATX codes
N06BX03 Piracetam

Pharmacological groups / Group membership
Nootropic drug

Active substance

Pharmacy Group
Notropic drug


Notropic drug Piracetam. It has a positive effect on the brain's exchange processes and blood circulation. Increases the utilization of glucose, improves the flow of metabolic processes, improves microcirculation in ischemized zones, ingibifies the aggregation of activated platelets. Protects against brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, electroshock. Improves the integrative activity of the brain. Does not have sedative and psychostimulatory actions. Decreases the duration of the induced vestibular neuronite. Ingibifies increased aggregation of activated platelets and, in the case of pathological rehydration of erythrocytes, improves their deformability and filtering ability.


Memory disorders, dizziness, reduced concentration, emotional labyllity, dementia due to brain circulatory disorders (ischemic stroke), brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, in old age; comatose states of vascular, traumatic or toxic genesis; Treatment of abstinence and psychoorganic syndrome in chronic alcoholism; Educational disorders in children, not related to inadequate education or family environment (in combination therapy); sickle-cell anemia (in combination therapy).

Method of application, course and dosage:

Applied in, v/m or v/v. Dosage, method and pattern of use, duration of therapy are determined individually, depending on the indications, clinical situation, age of the patient and the drug Piracetam form applied.


Drug Interaction:

While simultaneously using Piracetam and thyroid extract (triyodtironin + tyroxin), there was a confusion of consciousness, irritability and sleep disturbance.

At the same time using thyroid hormone preparations, the development of central effects - tremor, anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, confusion of consciousness is possible.
Simultaneously using stimulants of the CNS it is possible to strengthen psychostimulatory action.
When used simultaneously with neuroleptics, there is an increase in extrapyramid disorders

Use in pregnancy and breastfeeding
In pregnancy, only the doctor's prescription should be used, in cases where the intended benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk for the fetus
If necessary during lactation, stop breastfeeding should be decided.

Side Action:

On the side of the blood screwdriver system: The frequency is unknown - blood-flow.
From the immune system: The frequency is unknown - anaphylactic reactions, reactions of hypersensitivity.
From the psyche: often nervousness; rarely depression; Frequency is unknown - agitation, anxiety, confusion of consciousness, hallucinations.
On the side of the nervous system: often hyperactivity; not often - sleepiness; Frequency is unknown - ataxia, disturbances of equilibrium, acute epilepsy, headache, insomnia, tremor.

From the organ of the hearing and maze: frequency unknown - vertically.
On the side of the cardiovascular system: seldom - thrombophlebit; In parenteral introduction - arterial hypotension.
From the digestive system: Frequency unknown - abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
On the skin and subcutaneous tissue side: The frequency is unknown - angionevrotic swelling, dermatitis, itching, nettling.
Local reactions: seldom - pain in the place of injection.
Others: Often, increase in body weight; Infrequently - asthenia, fever (only in parenteral introduction); unknown frequency - u

Contraindications to use:

Increased sensitivity to piracetamus; Gentington Horse, acute brain circulation disorder (hemorrhagic stroke), terminal stage of chronic renal failure; Children's age depends on the drug Piracetam form.

Special Instructions:

Due to the anti-aggregative effect of Piracetam, it should be administered with care to patients with severe hemorrhagic disorders, risk of bleeding (e.g. stomach ulcer), hemostasis disorders, patients with surgical interventions, including dental interventions, in patients taking anticoagulants and anti-aggregants, including low doses of acetylsalicinyl acid.

Since pirates are kidney-derived, care should be taken when assigning them to patients with kidney failure.
For long-term treatment of elderly patients, regular monitoring of the QC indicators is required, and the dose correction may be necessary.
Piracetam penetrate through the filtration membranes of hemodialysis devices.
In the treatment of cortical myoclonia, the abrupt interruption of treatment should be avoided, as it may cause renewed attacks.
In case of sleep disorders, it is recommended to cancel the evening reception of Piracetam by attaching this dose to the daytime receptio.

Impact on driving ability

During the use of Piracetam, patients should be cautious in driving vehicles and mechanisms, as well as in other potentially dangerous activities requiring increased concentration and rapid psychomotor reactions.

Application for kidney disorders
Contraindications for severe kidney failure. Patients with kidney failure are cautiously treated, and Piracetam requires CC control. It is recommended that you adjust the dosing mode according to the QC values.

Application of children:

It is possible to apply the appropriate age categories in children strictly on the grounds, in recommended doses, schemes and medicinal forms. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions in the instructions of Piracetam drugs Piracetam on the anti-indications to use in children of different age specific medicinal forms of Piracetam.

Nozology (ICD codes)
Sickle-cell disorders
Dementia in Alzheimer's disease
Vascular dementia
Dementia Unspecified
Personal disorders and behaviors caused by brain disease, damage or dysfunction
Chronic alcoholism
Absentient State
Specific learning disorders
Transient cerebral ischemic attacks [attacks] and related syndromes
Brain Infarction
Effects of cerebrovascular diseases
Dizziness and Resilience
Head injury effects

Active substance
Pharmacological group
Country of origin
Expiration Date
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